Doctoral Thesis
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Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Adolescence: Investigating the Role of Mothers' Beliefs About Shaming and Negative Parenting on Maladaptive Strategies . Akkaya-Tahta, S. (2024).
Prosocial Acts in Early Childhood: Transmission of Maternal Self-Construals Through Parenting. Memişoğlu-Sanlı, A. (2023).
Predicting Well-Being and Health Behaviors among Adolescents: Interplay of Parenting, Temperament and Attachment. Güneş, S. (2022).
The Internalization of Rules: The Role of Temperament and Parenting. Koç Arık, G. (2021).
Testing the Revised Version of Process of Parenting Model and Parenting in COVID-19 Pandemic. İplikçi, A.B. (2021).
Examining The Role of Early Adversity and Temperament in Cognitive Development and Hair Cortisol Levels of Infants. Ertekin, Z. (2020)
The Predictors of Parental Differential Treatment and Dyadic Relations with Sibling Attachment. Bayram-Gülaçtı, H. (2020)
The Relationship between Parent-Child Characteristics and Child Outcomes: Mediator Role of Emotion-Related Socialization Behaviors. Gölcük, M. (2020)
Predictors of Executive Function in Preschool Children: Urban and Rural Poverty. Okur, Ş. (2020)
Bidirectıonal Effects Between Parenting and Temperament in Relatıon to Children’s Self-Concept. Bahtiyar-Saygan, B. (2020)