Lab Director                                        

Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument    

                                Research interests:Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument

    • Development of children and infants in care,
    • Intervention programs to support the development of infants and children at risk,
    • Moderator role of temperament in development,
    • Poverty and children's development,
    • Developmental disorders,
    • Development and standardization of measures for infants and children
    • For more information click here


tel: +90 (312) 210 3184

fax: +90 (312) 210 7975


Lab Coordinators

Cansu Karataş,

MS Student

I completed my bachelor's degree in Psychology at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in 2024. That same year, I was accepted into the Developmental Psychology master's program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument at METU.

My main academic interests are developmental disorders, developmental intervention programs, autism, parenting behaviors, and children at risk.





Esra Susar,

MS Student

I graduated from the Department of Psychology at METU in 2024. I am continuing my M.S. education in developmental psychology at METU.

My research interests are developmental psychopathology and emotion regulation skills.





Sıla Akpınar,

MS Student

I graduated from the Department of Psychology at METU in 2024. I am continuing my M.S. education in developmental psychology at METU.

My research interests are temperament, parenting behaviors, attachment, and developmental psychopathology.






Current Lab Members

Beril Kıyak,

PhD Student

I graduated from METU Psychology Department in 2014. Later, I completed my Developmental Psychology master's degree at METU in 2017. My master's thesis was about examining the role of mother's parenting behaviors and child temperament characteristics on children's behavior problems and internalization of rules styles from child and maternal temperamental characteristics supervised. I received my PhD degree from METU developmental psychology program in 2021. My doctorol dissertation was about examining the mediating role of parenting behaviors in the relationship between parenting cognitions and internalization of rules supervised by Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument.




Bilge Onursal Özer,

PhD Student

I earned my undergraduate degree from Hacettepe University and completed the Industrial and Psychology MS program. After working in various fields for 10 years, I am currently in the Developmental Psychology master's program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument.

My main research interests are parenting attitudes and behaviors, temperament and internalizing problems.





Gözde Babaoğlu,

PhD Student

I graduated from Istanbul Sehir University Psychology department in 2015. Then, I completed my M.S. in 2018 with my thesis entitled “Employed Mothers’ Work-Family Conflict and Child Outcomes: Mediating Role of Parenting” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument. I have studied the mediating effects of parenting on the association between maternal work-family conflict and children’s behavioral self-regulation and executive functions. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student in Developmental Psychology at METU.

My primary research interest is understanding the effects of parents' employment on parenting behaviors and children’s developmental outcomes.




İlayda Çalışkan,

PhD Student

I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Middle East Technical University Psychology Department in June 2019. Then, I started Developmental Psychology Master’s program in the same department under the supervision of Prof Dr Sibel Kazak Berument in September 2019.

Some of my research interests are parent-child relationships, temperament, theory of mind, emotional and cognitive development.





Merve Aydın,

PhD Student

I graduated from Middle East Technical University Psychology Deparment in 2019.In the same year, I started my master's degree at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Clinical Psychology Master's Program and graduated in 2022. I am currently a Ph.D student at METU in Developmental Psychology Doctorate Program.

My academic interests include language development in children, temperament and parent-child relationships.





Rana Durmuş,

PhD Student

After graduating from Bilkent University, Department of Psychology in January 2016, I started my master's degree in Developmental Neuroscience at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine in the same year and graduated in 2019 with my thesis titled "The effect of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems on children's sense of knowing decision". I started my Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument in the Department of Developmental Psychology at METU in August 2019 and I am still continuing. Since 2019, I have been working as a researcher in the TUBITAK 1003 project titled "The Effects of Parenting Attitudes and Parent-Child Communication Characteristics on Child and Adolescent Development". At the same time, I continue to work as a research assistant in the Department of Psychology at METU.

My research topics are; externalizing behavior problems in children and adolescents, child's temperament, mother's parenting behaviors and parenting beliefs



Zeynep Akbudak,

PhD Student

I graduated from the METU Psychology Department in 2021. In the same year, I continued my master's program in Developmental Child Adolescent Psychology at TED University. In 2024, I received my master's degree by presenting my thesis on “Resource Loss and Post Traumatic Stress in Wildfires: Exploratory Qualitative Study and Explanatory Model with Moderator Roles of Solastalgia and Coping Self- efficacy”. Since March 2024, I have been working as a research assistant at Bursa Technical University. Due to my interest in developmental psychology, I continue my doctoral education in the field of Developmental Psychology at METU. My main interests are child-adolescent trauma, posttraumatic growth and traumatic stress reactions.





Aslı Doğa Kılıç,

MS Student

I graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Psychology in 2024. During my undergraduate years, I tried to expand my knowledge and education by taking part in various projects in different subfields of developmental psychology. My main research interests include atypical development, autism spectrum disorder, social development of individuals with autism, parent-child relationships.





Büşra Mankır,

MS student

I graduated from METU Psychology Department in 2021. Throughout my undergraduate life, I have volunteered in various non-governmental organizations; I completed my internships in institutions such as METU Child and Adolescent Development Laboratory, Provincial Directorate of Family Work and Social Services, and a special education and rehabilitation center. In 2022, I started the METU Developmental Psychology master's program.

My academic interests include well-being and social-emotional development in children in care.




Kevser Öztürk,

MS Student

I graduated from the Department of Psychology at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University in 2021. Currently, I am a master's student in Developmental Psychology at METU.

My research interests are parent-children interactions, children at risk, and intervention programs.






Sarvin Golchin,

MS Student

I graduated from the Psychology Department of the University of Tabriz in 2021, and I decided to further my education in developmental psychology. Currently I am a master’s student in the Middle East Technical University.

I am interested in studying the roles of parenting and child temperamental characteristics in social-emotional processes.





Rida Fatima Shahid,

MS Student

I graduated with a BA in Psychology from METU in 2024 and am currently pursuing my MS in Developmental Psychology at METU under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument. My research interests include parent psychopathology and attitudes, family dynamics, trauma, and developmental disorders in children.







Previous Lab Members

Phd Graduates

Aybegüm Memişoğlu Sanlı,

Asst. Prof.

I graduated from the Middle East Technical University in 2010 with a BS in Psychology. Prior to beginning the M.S. program in Developmental Psychology in the same university, I have worked for the government with children having special needs, and children under governmental protection in group homes, as well as battered women. Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Ankara Medipol University.





Ayşe Büşra İplikçi,

Asst. Prof.

I earned my undergraduate degree, MS, and PhD degree from the Department of Psychology at Middle East Technical University (METU). I worked as an assistant professor at Akdeniz University. Currently, I am working at Harvard University.







Bahar Bahtiyar Saygan,

Asst. Prof.

I earned my undergraduate degree, MS, and PhD from the Department of Psychology at Middle East Technical University (METU). Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Atılım University.






Ezgi Aydoğdu Sözen,

PhD Student

I took my bachelor degree from Koç University in 2014. I received my master degree from Developmental Psychology program of same university in 2017. Currently, I continue PhD program of Developmental Psychology at ODTÜ. At the same time, I am working as a research assistant.

I am currently working on a project supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) which is titled as “Parental Attitudes toward Child-Rearing” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument.

My research interests: school learning motivation, parental beliefs, home literacy environment




Gizem Koç Arık,

Asst. Prof.

I earned my undergraduate degree, MS, and PhD from the Department of Psychology at Middle East Technical University (METU). Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University.







Hurigül Bayram Gülaçtı,

Asst. Prof.


I earned my undergraduate (2012), MS degree (2014) and Ph.D. in the Department of Psychology at METU. Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University.






Merve Gölcük,

Asst. Prof.

I earned my undergraduate degree from Hacettepe University in June, 2010 and Master's degree from Middle East Technical University (METU) in January, 2014. My master thesis was about prediction of parenting styles from child and maternal temperamental characteristics supervised by Sibel Kazak Berument. I joined the Developmental Psychology PhD program at METU in September, 2014. Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Antalya Bilim University.

I was involved in the longitudinal project funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey titled "Longitudinal investigation of the effects of temperament, and care type on the developmental outcomes of infant and children who are under the care of social services." directed by Sibel Kazak Berument. I was responsible for translating observational temperament tasks into Turkish, training of these tasks to research team, data collection, data entry and analysis.

My research interests are temperament, parenting styles, emotion related socialization behaviors, socio-cognitive development.



Seren Güneş, 


Similar to my fellows, I earned my BSc, MS, and PhD from METU Psychology. Currently, I work as a refugee counselor in Germany.








Sevinç Akkaya,

Dr. Res. Assist.

I completed my bachelor’s degree in Psychology, my Master degree and PhD in Developmental Psychology at METU. Specifically, in my MS thesis, I examined several risk factors of anger and depressive rumination and temperamental moderators. In my MS years, I worked as project assistant in Longitudinal investigation of the effects of temperament, and care type on the developmental outcomes of infant and children who are under the care of social services" project.

My research interests are developmental psychopathology, socio-emotional development, specifically development of maladaptive coping styles in childhood and adolescence.




Şükran Okur Ataş, 

Dr. Res. Assist.

I earned my undergraduate degree in Psychology at Bogazici University. Then, I earned an MS degree and a Ph.D. in the Department of Psychology at METU. Currently, I work as a research assistant at Çukurova University.






Zeynep Ertekin,

Asst. Prof.

Zeynep Ertekin

I earned my undergraduate, master degree and PhD in Psychology at METU. Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Ankara Medipol University. I had been working as research assistant in the longitudinal project funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey titled "Turkish Care Type Study" throughout my graduate years.

My research interests are the development of children under the risk; especially children with early adversity such as institutionalized children or children from low SES family environment. As a child outcome, I am interested in the self-development of children. My MS thesis was about the self-development of toddlers who were residing in governmental care types as a part of the “Turkish Care Type Study” supervised by Prof. Sibel Kazak Berument. I am also interested in the effects of early adversity on children’s physiological and neuroendocrine systems, which in turn their cognitive development.


MS Graduates

Ayşe Örs,


I graduated from the department of psychology at METU in 2021. I completed my M.S. education in developmental psychology at METU.

My research interests are developmental psychopathology, parenting styles, temperament and problem behaviors, internalization of rules and coping with peer stress.





Ayşenur Özgöztaşı,

PhD Student

I graduated from Middle East Technical University Psychology Department in 2021. Later, I completed my Developmental Psychology master's degree at METU in 2023. I worked as a Research Assistant in the department of psychology at METU. Currently, I continue my education as a PhD student of Developmental Psychology at Boston College.

My academic interests are social-emotional development in children and adolescents, parenting, attachment, parent-child communication, developmental intervention programs, attachment to school.




Bengisu Nisa Aras,

PhD Student

I completed my undergraduate degree in psychology at Middle East Technical University in 2019. I earned my master's degree in the Developmental Psychology program at METU. Currently, I am a PhD student at Virginia Tech University.

My academic interests include parenting styles and the impact of parental behavior on development, developmental psychopathology, and emotion regulation skills.






Burcu Tatar Özkum,

PhD Student

I was graduated from Bahçeşehir University Department of Psychology, in June 2015. I Joined the Developmental Psychology MS program at Middle East Technical University (METU) in September 2016 under the supervision of Sibel Kazak Berument. Currently, I am a PhD student at Michigan State University.

My research interests are parenting strategies, parental involvement, parenting sense of competence, and children’s usage of electronic media tools






Duygu Taşfiliz,

Asst. Prof. 

I completed my undergraduate degree, MS degree and PhD in Psychology at Middle East Technical University. Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Altınbaş University.







Elif Anaçali,


I had completed my bachelor of science degree at Middle East Technical University in 2019. The same year, I got accepted to the Developmental Psychology master programme under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument at METU.

The topics I am interested in are poverty and child development, children at risk, cross-cultural differences of parenting, gender development and intervention studies.





Gülsün Ünal, 


After completing my bachelor in psychology at METU in 2013, I started the MA program in developmental psychology at METU. I worked for the Sibel Kazak Berument's project supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). My responsibilities were adopting a temperament scale and a problem-solving task for infants. I have also involved in data collection and data entry processes of the project.

Research interests: I am interested in developmental psychopathology in general and for my Master's thesis I am studying how perceived parenting, child temperament and their interaction determine child outcomes among children at preschool age, particularly. I am also interested in the role of shame and guilt proneness in development of internalizing problems.



Seçil Karakaya Bilir,


I graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Psychology in 2015. I completed my Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology in Middle East Technical University. I worked for the Sibel Kazak Berument's project of "longitudinal investigations of the effects of temperament and care type on the developmental outcomes of the infant and children who are under the care of social services" supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). In this project, I was responsible for data collection, data entry and control.

My interest areas are mainly on the effect of fast-growing technology and popular media on the social and cognitive development of children by also considering family patterns. I am also interested in socio-cognitive and emotional development of the children.



Sema Erel, 

Phd Student

I graduated from the Department of Psychology at Middle East Technical University in 2014. I comleted my Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology at METU. I have been involved in a project named '' Longitudinal investigation of the effects of temperament, and care type on the developmental outcomes of infant and children who are under the care of social services." which is funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. In this longitudinal project, I took part in back-translation process of observational temperament tasks and I was responsible for data collection of children aged between 2 and 5. I concentrated on a new project which focuses on developmental outcomes of children under the care of social services during middle childhood. My thesis was a part of this project; specifically, I wrote my thesis about effects of care types and temperament on academic achievement and peer relationships of children under governmental protection supervised by Sibel Kazak Berument. 

My research interests are psychosocial outcomes of children under risk, child temperament, and clinical child psychology (developmental psychopathology and child assessments).


Tuğçe Bakır-Demir,

Post Doctoral Fellow

I graduated with the degree on Psychology from Middle East Technical University (METU). I comleted my Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology at METU. My thesis was titled as "The Relationship between Vegetation and Self-Regulation" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument. In the longitudinal project that funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey titled as "Longitudinal investigations of the effects of temperament and care type on the developmental outcomes of the infant and children who are under the care of social services", I was responsible from the data collection and control. We also worked on the adaptation of toddler attachment assessment tool, namely TAS45 (Toddler Attachment Sorting 45).

My research interests: the relationship between nature and children, children at risk, memory development, and self-regulation.



Yeşim Yavaşlar Doğru,

Asst. Prof., 2015-2017

I earned my BS and MS degree from the Middle East Technical University (METU) Department of Psychology. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield. Currently, I work as an assistant professor at Karabük University.







Zeynep Su Altınöz,

PhD Student

I graduated with a degree in psychology from Middle East Technical University in 2018. I gained my master’s degree in Developmental Psychology. Formerly I worked in Prof. Sibel Kazak Berument’s Project regarding the children under the care of social services. I worked as a project assistant in Prof. Berument's research project regarding the effects of parenting attitudes and parent child interaction on child and adolescent developmental outcomes. My master’s thesis was a part of this project and it will be about the effects of parental and peer acceptance and rejection on adolescents’ problem behaviors. Currently, I am a PhD student at Auburn University.

My research interests include family dynamics, interparental relationships, parental attitudes and behaviors' effects on development.



Project Assistants

Gizem Çeviker, 

Dr. Psychologist







Onur Cem Doğru,

Asst. Prof. 

I work as an assitant professor at Afyon Kocatepe University.







Suzan Ceylan Batur, 

Asst. Prof.

I work as a assistant professor at TOBB University.







Yağmur Seyhan İlgün,


I graduated from TOBB University, Department of Psychology in 2018, and earned an MS degree in Developmental Psychology at METU. I completed my PhD in Developmental Psychology program at METU. In addition to my academic work, I work as a monitoring and evaluation assistant at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.






Undergraduate Students

2013 Fall

2014 Spring

2014 Fall

2015 Spring

Ceren Su Abacıoğlu 

Sevinç Akkaya 

Selin Akkol 

Ömer Eraslan 

Sema Erel 

Erdem Ozan Meral 

Yeşim Yavaşlar

Sevinç Akkaya 

Selin Akkol 

Tuğçe Bakır 

Birsen Civelek 

Deniz Dönmez 

Ömer Eraslan 

Sema Erel 

Berfin Dobrucalı 

Kübra Gökhan 

Gizem Koç 

Ceren Mete 

Merve Şimşek 

Merve Özger 

Ebru Özyiğit 

Nilsu Tosun 

Gökçe Topuz 

Gamze Turunç 

Yeşim Yavaşlar

Cevdet Acarsoy 

Ezgisu Balcı 

Damla Çiftçibaşı 

Gülşah Güngör 

Sinem Gürçay 

Dilara Hasdemir 

Berkay Köse 

Yağmur Rumeli 

Yağmur Saklı

Banu Çiçek Akbaş 

Didem Arıkan 

Nurcan Cingöz 

Özlem Duman 

Aysu Işık 

Özlem Kıral 

Pınar Kocadere 

Gizem Şamdan 

Büşra Topçu 

Büşra Tufan 

Selin Uçar 

Sümeyra Yalçıntaş 

Aylin Yalnız

2015 Fall

2016 Spring

2016 Fall

2017 Spring

Begüm Bilgin 

Buket Baykal 

Damla Aksen 

Deniz Merkit 

Dilem Cinli 

Elif Usta 

Fatma İstanbullu 

Gizem Keskin 

Mehmet Salduz 

Melek Mert 

Müge Öztürk 

Nihal Gümüştaş 

Rafet Ömer Karasu 

Sevi Gizem Zeybek 

Sezin Aydoğ-Gürkan 

Zeynep Nalan Usta

Betül Yücekaya 

Büşra Karagöz 

Ela Altın (Hacettepe Üni.) 

Elif Bürümlü 

Fatma Dilvin Abacı 

Fatma İstanbullu 

Hatice Bürde Küçükdağ 

Merve Seven (Hacettepe Üni.) 

Neslihan Vural 

Nihan Aytav 

Nurcan Cingöz 

Öykü Ekinci 

Saadet Kandaz 

Selin Uçar 

Sıla Deniz Beyarslan 

Sibel Bayır 

Sinem Aytaç 

Şeyda Zayim (Bilkent Üni.) 

Zeynep Nalan Usta

Begum Aydoğan 

Beril Kıyak 

Ezgi Yıldız 

Gülşah Kurt 

Kevser Çakmak 

Meryem Giden 

Merve Buçakçı 

Rana Güler 

Sinem Çelik 

Sinem Eser 

Zeynep Su Altınöz

Betül Demiray 

Dilara Çavdar 

Ecem Geçe 

Işıl Çukurova 

Rojda Demiray

2017 Fall

2018 Spring

2018 Fall

2019 Spring

Sevgi Yakın

Bengisu Nisa Aras

İrem Kütük

Selma Kocabaş

Seray Yiğenler

Seda Üstündağ

Eda Başoğlu

Emine Güleç

İlknur Yurtseven

Sabriye Pamukçu

Esra Karamik

Mehlika Tellioğlu

Özge Akkoç 

Merve Aydın 

Özgün Kanarlıoğlu 

Rumeysa Eda Kanık 

Mine Semerci 

Büşra Canoğlu 

Demet Can 

Cemrenur Karaaslan

Tuğçe Solakoğlu 

Esra Pehlivanlı

Erva Öcal 

Beste Anıl Daylan 

Yağmur Beste Kaçar 

Hande Hakbilen 

Ece Sarısaç 

Ilgın Atilla 

Rabia Yıldırım

2019 Fall

2020 Spring

2020 Fall

2021 Spring

Gülnihal Taşkan

Elif İş

Ekin Özler

Cansu Yazıcı

Yasin Emre Ünal

Esra Tamyıldırım

İrem Beril Karaçalık

Naciye Zülal Aydın

Furkan Topaç

Enise Damla Atabey

Sinem Duygu Kama

Merve Şimşek

Ayşe Seza Şahin

Esra Yavuz

İdil Yılmazgil

İdil Deniz Şahin

Pınar Ayradilli 

Ayşe Sürücü

Ayten Cerrah

Ezgi Deniz Yılmaz

Ferhan Kübra Dönmez

Feyzanur Yön

Kerem Demirtaş

Fethiye Kübra Karataş

Semiha Çoban

Tuba Ekinci

Nigar Mine Perşembeoğlu

Bedia Burcu Solak

Esra Öksüz

Zeliha Aykut

Esra Kayırmaz

İrem Denizaslanı

Seda Orpak

Eda Nur Yaşar

Sinem Aydın

Ece Özkaya

Ecemsu Tekin

Elif Koç

Sadberk Arpacı

Furkan Efe

Nazlı Özkoca

Ilgaz Emre

Zeynep Akbudak

Sevilay Arı

Seyda Arslan

Aslı Canatan

Meyra Çakar

Berfin Gökkaya

Özer Koç

Büşra Mankır

Berçem Su Ozak

Ayse Örs

Meryem Özarslan

Ayşenur Özgöztaşi

Beyza Nur Öztürk

Ufuk Rencüzoğulları

Bilge Buse Sungar

Özlem Tayfur

Gülsevim Yolbilmez

Sümeyye Afra Göktaş

Beyza Gülzehra Ekinci

Elif Genç

Mahmut Genç

Esranur Güzel

Didem Saraç

Fatih Tayyip Yavuz

Emine Zeyrek

2021 Fall

2022 Spring

2022 Fall

2023 Spring

İsmigül Dişlioğlu

Hüseyin Yalçıner

Gülçin Kaçmaz

Zeynep Akkuş

Ufuk Rencüzoğulları

Şule Girgin

Esra Susar

Ayşe Yağmur Toy

Hatice Merve Aykaç

Betül Yücel

Ayşe Taşdelen

Büşra Mankır

Azra Eylül Temiz

Bahar Demirören

Aslı Doğa Kılıç

Gözde Aktağ

İrem Kezik

Leyla Aydın

Simay Olgaç

Zeynep Gökmen

Tuğçe Şengül

İrem Nur Erzincan

Hilal Özdemir

Sümeyye Afra Göktaş

Asya Hilal Cebi

Beyza Nur Küçük

Enise Damla Atabey

Neslinur Çalışkan

Gulnihal Taskan

Cansu Kaya

Şükrü Kalı

Ayşe Alev Gündoğdu

İremhan Bektaş

Melisa Günsan

Nurcan Onarıcı

Ceren Mısır

İlke Kavuşturan

Hale Dündar

Nermin Saraç

Pınar Kapdı

Firdevs Kunduz

Meriç Manka

Didem Saraç

Sena Sarıtaş

Rabia Tuğçe Şengül

Melike Şimşek

Ayşe Yağmur Toy

Rozelin Vurgun

Hüseyin Yalçıner

Tuğçe Yalçınkaya

Zeynep Gökmen

Sümeyra Torunoğlu

Semiha Ömür

Fulin Sezgin

Feyza Alpaslan

Öykü Kuran

Begüm Öztürk

Gözde Aktağ

Rümeysa Nur Alaş

Nurcan Onarıcı

Umut Sevim

Nisa Akgülü

Özge Ağsaran

Tuğçe Yalçınkaya

Nilay Köseman

Elmas Ece Bayram

Begüm Kaplan 

Edanur Vatansever

Rümeysa Tosun

Işıl Ekin Özkan

Beyza Nur Küçük

Meryem Yılmaz

Ebrar Beyza Sayar

Emel Ceren Erarslan

Ayşe Yağmur Toy

Beyza Can

Sıla Akpınar

Ayşe Taşdelen

Zeynep Peker

Nermin Saraç

İremnur Özbalaban

Nilüfer Kont

Azra Eylül Temiz

Buse İnal

Gülçin Kaçmaz

Aslı Doğa Kılıç

Beyza Şeker

Merve Ceren Berk

Esra Susar

Hilal Özdemir

Rabia Tuğçe Şengül

Cansu Kaya

2023 Fall

2024 Spring 2024 Fall  

Edanur Vatansever

Elif Müjdeci

Fatmanur Oğuz

Halenur Demir

İbrahim Elibal

Kübra Gevaş

Nazlı Ersoy

Özge Ağsaran

Sümeyye Eda Sırmalı

Zişan Aydınoğlu

Buket Aslı Özalp

Sena Kol

Tuana Yücel

Ada Gürer

Elif Yağmur Erdemir

Serap Kurnaz

Nilüfer Güngör

Çetin Can Demir

Nagihan Öztürk

Metehan Eren Öner

Nisanur Uzun

Edanur Vatansever

Aslı Türkoğlu

Ali Umut Kocagöz

Doğa Turgut

Melike Kahraman

Merve Ceren Berk

Nazlı Hilal Sarıavcı

Nehir Akpınar

Sümeyye Eda Sırmalı

Last Updated:
25/02/2025 - 13:15